Tug-E-Nuff - Sheepskin Bungee Chaser w/ Tennis Ball

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  • Regular price $27.20

 What do you get if you combine our most popular chaser toy with our signature bungee handle, sheepskin and a tennis ball? A tug toy that has everything, that's what! There really is no limit to the fun that can be had with this toy. Whether you and your dog play tug, chase or fetch you'll find this a durable, versatile addition to your training kit. The longer handle is ideal for puppies and older dogs who like to tug at a distance, while the British sheepskin is super enticing, and the tennis ball gives that all-important weight for throwing. As with all our bungee tug toys, the shock cord handle offers excellent grip and reduces the risk of jarring the handler's shoulder or your dog's neck during play.